General News Updates 2012

All information and images protected, Copyright © 1997- 2025 Kohs & Company Inc, All Rights Reserved

11/22/12 - A very Happy Thanksgiving to all!!

11/11/12 - A very special thank you to all veterans on this Veteran's Day!!

11/03/12 - New updates will be posted for all of our current projects this coming week. Traveling is consuming a great deal of time at this point in an effort to push our current projects along. What free time there has been has been used for bringing our paperwork up to date so that all reservation holders for each project will have the latest accounting status on their projects.

More very soon!!

9/17/12 - Many of you interested in our models have had the chance to meet Mr. Lee our locomotive builder at one of shows that we have attended together. I routinely receive inquiries and questions about Mr. Lee so I thought that I would share a recent photo of him with his son who is growing up very quickly! It's been a great pleasure to watch his son develop into a young soccer playing man from the time of his birth.

Be sure to check out the new project updates as they are posted, I will try to keep them coming now that everyone will be moving back indoors for the 'railroading' season.

9/11/12 - Just a brief update to advise that many new updates will be posted in the next couple of days. Project related travel has been a primary focus in the last several weeks, so now it's time to catch up on the web! Many thanks for your patience.

7/28/12 - It has been a busy week since being at the O Scale Nationals in Parsippany, New Jersey last weekend, but I would like to take a couple of lines to thank everyone that came to the event. It was a great opportunity to see many of my original customers that I haven't seen since the last time that I attended the Big Show in Springfield, Massachusetts and it was fun to catch up a bit. My thanks go out to the organizers as it obviously takes a lot of time and effort to host such an event.

By virtue of the fact that my display location was next to that of Midwestern Model Works, I had a good deal of time to talk with Erik Stott who is the owner. I recently mentioned that Erik was introducing a new line of O scale diesel models and this event was an opportunity to learn more about his plans. Since returning from the Nationals, I've learned from Erik that his intended offerings have been expanded so if you like diesels, you should check his web site for the latest information.

The mention of Erik Stott's efforts is again an opportunity to explain the purpose of promoting 'competitors' within the hobby. While developing and importing brass models is a serious and risky business for those of us involved, it is an effort undertaken within a community of people with a common interest. O scale trains are unfortunately not a matter of common public interest, so anything that can be done to help promote quality people and products within our hobby community can only be good for the hobby in general. The more choices available to fill our modeling needs, the better off we all are. The only reason to fear competition is if you can't compete. If your own business has to be promoted by 'running down' your competition, odds are that you're probably not a viable competitor.

I would like to also point out that a new permanent page has been created on the site, listing all of the O scale shows that I am aware of. The listing is for strictly O scale shows, there are just too many general interest train shows to mention although at some point, I may add some of the most significant ones. If you are aware of an O scale show that I have not listed, please feel free let me know and I'll add the information. Hopefully this will be a helpful resource for our modeling community. O Scale Show Schedule

More new updates coming very soon!

7/18/12 - Just a couple of brief items to mention here tonight. There have been a number of updates on individual project sites so be sure not to miss information about your favorite projects.

There have been a numerous of inquiries about a 'rumored' gauge-one project under development at Kohs & Company. At this point, I do want to confirm that there is development underway and for those that have not put all of the pieces of information together advise that the subject prototype is the Southern Pacific AC-10, 11 & 12 cab-forward. There are several reasons why this project has been taken on, but I will wait for further updates to explain in more detail those reasons. Make no mistake, our primary focus will remain on O scale models and there may only be one gauge-one project, that is yet to be determined. This project will be a great development tool for our O scale cab-forward as we approach the time for that active production. I have already accumulated a substantial list of interested large scale modelers so if you would like to be added to the list to receive direct updates, send me an E-mail with your postal mail address and I'll be happy to include you.

I was just provided information about a new O scale show, actually it's an existing show that has been relocated and taken over by new hands. Doctors Michael Ross and Mike Walter have taken on the Southwest O Scale Meet and moved it to Fort Worth, Texas beginning this year. Both have been long-time great supporters of Kohs & Company and if you check out the show web site (CLICK HERE), you will see their layouts featured and offered for tours during the show. I am particularly excited to tell you that if you visit, you'll see a variety of Kohs locomotives pulling long strings of rolling stock on their beautiful layouts.

I am going to take this opportunity to establish a new web page that will feature current links for all of the best O scale shows, both old and new. I hope to have this page established in the next few days, potentially while in attendance at the O Scale Nationals in Parsippany, New Jersey this weekend.

6/24/12 - The recoding of the Kohs & Company web site is now complete and what a relief that is. Along with the recoding, there have been a number of new photos added to what was already posted or to replace old photos in previous project sites. The capabilities of our new digital cameras has dramatically enhanced the quality of the images that can now be produced, so this updating process for our previous projects will continue as time allows. I feel that it is important to provide the best information possible for our previous projects as a matter of support for owners of those models in the event they choose to pursue the sale of one of those models. I will not bother changing the project update date unless there are substantial changes made to the project site.

Web updates for current projects will now continue, so check those sites for the latest information in the next few days. Also, if you encounter problems with any of the web pages on this site, please make note of the page and let me know so that it can be corrected as quickly as possible, your assistance would be greatly appreciated.

I routinely receive inquiries from owners and potential new owners about what power supply to use for operating Kohs & Company models. From the beginning I had suggested the use of Dallee Electronics Engineer throttle believing it to be the best available at any price. In recent months that unit has been out of production at Dallee and it is only recently, with the use of some arm twisting, that Dallas at Dallee is entertaining the production of a limited number of units on a reservation basis. There are no other regulated and fully filtered DC throttles that I am aware of and even the lost cost alternative that use to exist is no longer being produced by MRC. The price of the Engineer always use to be a matter of concern for many potential buyers, until they had the opportunity to run one of their locomotives using an Engineer and experience the vastly improved performance. If you are serious about your model railroad operations and need a new or improved throttle, do not delay and get in touch with Dallas Gutacker at Dallee Electronics for further information, visit the Dallee web site for the necessary contact information and Engineer product information: Dallee web site click HERE.

5/25/12 - I brief update regarding the status of the recoding of our web site; I previously mentioned that some changes made to Internet Explorer version 9.0 had rendered portions of our site inoperable when using that browser. After much effort that was required to recode hundreds of pages on this site, I am nearly done with the process. There are only a few sections in three of our older project sites that remain to be completed. I still highly recommend the use of Foxfire as your Windows browser, but you should experience minimal problems now and no problems shortly regardless of what browser you may choose to use. Many thanks for your patience as I have worked through this unexpected issue.

I will be posting new information regarding the progress on our N&W class 'A' project very soon as we near the time of proceeding with this offering. There is also new information coming regarding the casually mentioned gauge one project that has garnered so much interest, please stay tuned!

5/12/12 - I am just back from my latest Korea visit and will be mailing out reservation updates and also posting new information to each project site. There are lots of photos and information to share, so check back in the next few days as I work through processing the updates.

2/13/12 - I have received a number of inquiries in recent weeks about what high quality DC power supplies are currently available for operating our models on standard DC, that is a great question. Unfortunately, the two units that I suggested over the years, one of which I highly recommended, are no longer in production. MRC use to produce the Controlmaster 20 which had decent specifications and a relatively low price, but has been discontinued from their product line. The Dallee Engineer, which was the best unit available, suffered from having a higher price and modelers not understanding the value of the investment until actually experiencing the improved performance of their models. Based on the number of requests for a quality unit, Dallee is considering producing the Engineer on a limited basis or by special order, if this is of interest to you, you may want to check out the Dallee web page by clicking HERE.

2/06/12 - I have a couple of housekeeping notes to share with anyone that frequents the Kohs & Company site. You may have noticed a new recommendation on the site index or directory page suggesting the use of the Foxfire web browser when visiting our site, this is for a very specific reason. Foxfire does provide an advanced level of convenience and security and it's free, but the real reason for the suggestion stems from real frustration with Microsoft, who I am sure you are aware publishes Internet Explorer, the web browser that the vast majority of web visitors use.

As part of maintaining a reliable web presence in the form of a web site, I have to routinely monitor what all of the browser publishers are doing with their software to make certain that the Kohs & Company site is available for you to visit a very high percentage of the time. In evaluating the latest version of Internet Explorer, version 9.0, I determined very quickly that Microsoft had done something in their development that made a large percentage of this sites pages unavailable. While this site is accessible with all other major browsers, including IE 1-8, Foxfire 1-10, Chrome and Safari, IE9 has thrown a serious curve at the web hosting and maintenance community. While this site has been in the building process for well over ten years, all of the other publishers have been able in corporate the latest features and security to a far great degree without this major hitch. Since this problem was discovered earlier this month, I have been recoding hundreds of pages to make them compatible with IE9, but there are still many to do, mostly involving our past projects. This process should be completed with approximately two more weeks of work. In the interim, if you discover that there are a number of pages not accessible to you as a result of this Microsoft issue and you would like to have access immediately, there are two choices; you can either revert back to Internet Explore 8 or simply install Firefox which is a free download and does not require very much hard drive space for installation, the free download can be accessed HERE.

In addition to the maintenance issues, I am currently updating project sites as well, so be sure to check out the latest information............there is more coming!

1/09/12 - I would like to take this opportunity to welcome Erik Stott of Chicago, to the ranks of O scale importers. Erik has just escaped from a 'Windy City' mental hospital and has decided that he has no better use for his money now that he's free! Just kidding of course about the mental hospital, Erik is a well known O scaler and he has decided to establish Midwestern Model Works, with the intention of developing a line of high-end O scale diesel locomotive models. Not content with what has been offered thus far in the marketplace, Erik wants to offer the exclusive technologies he has developed both in his drive and lighting systems and package them in highly and correctly detailed brass models. Being familiar with Erik's dedication to excellence, I am personally very excited to see what will develop from his new efforts. Congratulations Erik and the best of luck going forward! Erik has already established a web site and you may view it by clicking HERE.

1/02/12 - Happy New Year! I would like to take this opportunity at the beginning of a new year to thank all of our loyal clients for their continued interest and patience. As 2011 has drawn to a close, we have been making great progress on all of projects and are hoping that the new year will be kind in not providing more distractions from our modeling efforts!

I routinely hear concerned expressed within the modeling community that the model railroad hobby is facing problems due to a lack of interest, but my experience is exactly the opposite. Again in 2011, the Kohs & Company web site has reached a new high in terms of the number of visits, a total of more than 200,000 unique visitors and almost 2,000,000 pages viewed by those visitors. This has generated what sometimes seems like as many E-mail contacts, but I appreciate each and every contact and diligently try to personally answer each message in as timely a manner as possible. I hope to make our site even more inviting and informative in 2012, your comments and suggestions are always welcome.

For our current project reservation holders, 2012 will start with postal mail updates going out as promised leading up to the holiday season. The decision was made going into the holidays to hold them back for fear of them getting lost in the crush of holiday mail. The mail delivery service at this point seems questionable at best during normal delivery periods based on the level of complaints I routinely receive, so my efforts need to be optimized to prevent unnecessary time consuming follow-ups. Much of what is contained in the mail updates will ultimately appear on the individual project web sites, but not until the reservation holders are brought up to speed first.

I look forward to seeing many of you that frequent this site at the upcoming shows that I am scheduled to attend this year. If you know of a good show, large or small, in your area that I should consider attending, please let me know.

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