DCC Technical Updates & Tips
This page is intended to share information and tips related to DCC sound, operations and equipment situations that I have encountered that may not be easily found elsewhere. Since I have incorporated Zimo Electronics hardware in my production models, information related to those products will be a focus of our informational efforts. |
1/04/25 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10, MX10EC, MX32 & MX33 controllers is now available. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
ATTENTION: Collective file does not contain an MX32 update! Do not apply to this!
If you use ZIMO MX821 accessory decoders or MX820 turnout decoders with a software version 3.0 (MX821 series) or older, or 5.0 (MX820 series) or older (aprox. 2019)
in your system, you should UPDATE them BEFORE you load this system software version! Otherwise, these decoders may be inadvertently reprogrammed.
News MX33
USB keyboard can be connected to MX33, e.g. to enter names
Keyboard can also be used in LOCO screen (e.g. arrow up/down for scrolling or menu entries)
-Windows key for menu
-Backspace for deleting
-Enter key for executing
-Number keys for F-key control in the LOCO screen
Image database/import
-Image import: A screenshot is taken of each imported locomotive and stored on the USB stick in the 'VehicleImagesLastImported' folder.("FahrzeugBilderZuletztImportiert")
-Locomotive image database can be filtered by ‘Author’
-Optimisation of the image data display when importing locomotive images, e.g. space after colon, etc.
-Locomotive image database filter repaired
-Communication point shows flashing house when in Home System
-Mode for directly modifying the name in addressing (LOCO IN ->A) is now called FA'MOD
English version
Info that no help is available, translated into English
Stop balls S or H button, translated into EnglishChanges MX10
APP/WLan communication
-Datagram 0x17.0x28: Addition version and moment, duration (see ZCan-Docu)
-Datagram 0x06. 0x15: Decoder GUI progress transmission (see ZCan-Docu)
-Datagram 0x02.0x0A: Correction for Manhardt Funky
-Roco Net 4. x Adjustment for Roco App, WLan Mouse (For existing datagrams)
-Minimum correction for Lodicon (version number)
-Length of RailCom adjusted to maximum tolerance
-Multi restart for RailCom reception, due to hardware shutdown errors.
-ZIMO GUI request back adapted to change in progress logic.
-Change in evaluation logic for progress logic1/04/25 - Zimo has released a firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.84.108), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
It is strongly recommended to perform this update!
* Attention: Before updating MS decoders please read the information on MS/MN Decoders SW Update
New features:
ACK evaluation in MDU protocol (load MS firmware, load sound)
Speed limits for transmissions during MDU loading (MS firmware, sound) adjusted:
Maximum parameter:
Powercycle: Speed 3
Powercycle BL-Update: Speed 4
Button 1 (FW): Speed 3
Button 2 (Sound): Speed 1
The MS firmware update procedure has been changed to avoid having to switch back and forth between the MDU and DCC track signal:
All zsu-compatible decoders are sent to the bootloader with CV verify commands
All decoders are selected
A binary search is performed
The detected decoder is selected if the appropriate firmware is available
Update is carried out. (Step 1 is replaced or supplemented by alternative entry types for certain decoders)
CV #29, CV #144 are not changed during the Taste-1 update for MS decoders
New decoders: MS481, MN150, MX615, MX616
It is possible to acknowledge T1 firmware loading errors with the R keyBugfixes:
Detection of MX decoders in the ZSP failed in many cases due to communication errors between the PC and MXULF.
Overcurrent shutdown corrected, shutdown occurred too late under certain circumstances.
Maintenance mode for MS decoder with bootloader < 2.2, default timing instead of fallback timing.
Improved implementation of rotary encoder: Scroll direction standardised:
Anti-clockwise ➔ Up, clockwise ➔ Down
CV #29, CV #144 for MX decoders: Resetting of old values corrected
Debug output in the user interface/menu removed
Soundloading MX decoder: Progress indicator showed incorrect time after completion
Sound loading MX decoder started from menu item "without CV144,29": Execution was blocked11/18/24 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10, MX10EC, MX32 & MX33 controllers is now available. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
SW versions 01.30.0700 / 01.30.0700 / 01.01.0167
WARNING: If you use ZIMO MX821 accessory decoders or MX820 turnout decoders with a software version 3.0 (MX821 series) or older, or 5.0 (MX820 series) or older in your system, you should UPDATE them BEFORE you load this system software version! Otherwise, these decoders may be inadvertently reprogrammed.
News MX33
Moment/duration is now stored in GUI
In E0 ‘view screenshots’ now possible
MX33 starting statistics, new format: Since the screen is only displayed for a very short time, it is stored and can be accessed at any time during operation under E-0 -> starting statistics.
Battery charging now with higher current (aprox. 30% faster)
Battery charging via USB (currently only in the following way: before switching off MX10, connect MX33 to USB power supply, switch off MX10, MX33 will not switch off until battery is full)
Delete an active locomotive from the LoR with the C-key in LOCO possible
PU&SYS is now called SYS DB
Loco image database: E-0 -> Clear Data, individual images can be deleted (previously, all images were deleted)News MX10
RailCom optimisation (RailCom short-circuit detection)
LAN interface supplement (for app and other PC programs, see CAN documentation)
Momentary/permanent function keys: transfer and save now possible
Menu entries ‘Back’ added to MX10 menus (important for MX10EC)
Text adjustments in the menus
CAN support for StEin servo circuit boardsBugfixes MX33
RCN-218: error correction and new texts
Name problems (truncation, etc.) turnout update (if not switched by local controller) and various radio problems
Turnout decoder display was not updated
Radio problems fixed
Radio problems fixed, flickering, stop balls that appear briefly, unauthorised ghost consist,...
Image export/import, problems fixed
MX33 GUI malfunction when calling up MX32 locomotives fixedBugfixes MX10
Miscellaneous bugfixes
Bugfixes MX32
Miscellaneous bugfixes
8/26/24 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10, MX32 & MX33 controllers is now available. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
If you use ZIMO MX821 accessory decoders or MX820 turnout decoders with a software version 3.0 (MX821 series) or older, or 5.0 (MX820 series) or older in your system, you should UPDATE them BEFORE you load this system software version! Otherwise, these decoders may be inadvertently reprogrammed.
NOTE Current MX10EC SW not yet included! Available on request at service@zimo.at erhältlich.
News MX33
Call ACC LIST via E+3 in full-page display (but softkey II = LiR ACC LIST only lower half of screen)
ACC LIST X key - scroll wheel to modify the fields
Addressing of ZIMO decoders in OP PROG (E - F - A) now for 128 ... 255 according to standard in CV #17+18 and CV #29 bit 5 = 1
Operating state SWI MX8 points can now also be defined in panel fields (SWI DEF, Format line)
Load GUI from the decoder, preparation for progress bar (currently experimental application, only with special sound projects)
Delete image database E0 - Clear Data - vehicle imagesNews MX10
LAN protocol adjustments ZIMO App
LAN protocol adjustments Roco App
Decoder GUI transmissionBugfixes MX33
Loco DB GUI loading from MX10 works again
Bug Name was deleted by MX32 if not local loco (grey) is activated
Entering an accessory address via LOCO (IN) ... W button Display in ACC LIST only after scrolling back and forth
Bug when radio activated during ACC LIST Dialogue was not completely deleted and list was not updated
Changes to StEin HLU dialogue 17.06 V1.1.107
Bug in the dialogue for readdressing MX8 modules
Bug Momentary functions sometimes got stuck (activated after releasing)Bugfixes MX10
Miscellaneous bugfixes
Bugfixes MX32
Miscellaneous bugfixes
6/06/24 - Zimo has released a firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.84.93), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
It is strongly recommended to perform this update!
* Attention: Before updating MS decoders please read the information on MS/MN Decoders SW Update
Bug fix:
If analogue mode was switched on in the MS decoder and a software update was made via the menu item "without CV144, 29", it could happen that the motor connected to the decoder started to run uncontrollably when the update was started.
3/30/24 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10 & MX32 controllers is now available and it is version 01.30.0519 / 01.30.0524. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
If you use ZIMO MX821 accessory encoders or MX820 switch decoders with software version 3.0 (MX821 series) or older, or 5.0 (MX820 series) or older in your system, you should make these UPDATES BEFORE using this system software version load! Otherwise, these decoders may be reprogrammed by mistake. Bug fixes/change MX32: East-west arrows adapted to app Scroll wheel direction reversed in “G’FUSY” dialog
3/30/24 - Zimo has released a firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.84.80), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
It is strongly recommended to carry out this update!
* Attention: Before updating MS or MN decoders, please be sure to read the information under MS-MN-Decoder-SW-Update
- Revision/repair of the sync update for MX820 and MX821 updates
- Revision and restructuring of the MX sound store via rail
- Changes in the MS decoder update:
- During the update procedure using button 1 or the menu item "Update&Sound" the CVs #7, #65 (firmware version), and CV #248 and #249 (bootloader version) are determined.
- If an MS decoder with bootloader < 2.0 or firmware < 4.79 was detected, the update will be aborted.
- The so-called "Recovery Mode"/"Maintenance Mode"/"Mode Recuper" was introduced for these decoders.
- Using special zsu files for the respective decoder type, the bootloader is brought up to date with the Powercycle update (coming soon in → MS-MN decoder SW update).
- Revision of the code base.
- USB interface:
Correction in the DCC_EIN protocol (ZSP control panel): MXULFA no longer inserts its own checksum when sending the DCC packets coming from the PC.
New commands to handle the various USB VCOM protocols- Correction in the binary protocol: Query x10/x11 (see documentation) is now answered with the correct rail voltage '0' when the rail is 'Off' (relevant for ZCS).
- Correction of overcurrent shutdown: Threshold for shutdown has been reduced.
- Correction when generating the rail signal: With revision E, there were brief drops in the rail voltage in previous versions.
2/22/24 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10 & MX32 controllers is now available and it is version 01.30.0501. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
Changes to MX10/MX32:
- Radio logic changed
Changes to MX10:
- Memory speed curve according to new definition
- Send/receive routines for PC speed curve
- Better 4:8 check for RailCom
- Track-On search adapted to RCN.
- MX10 default values: direction byte, RailCom, ...
- DCC time command adapted to current standard. (if MX820/MX821 in use, update these first!)
Changes to MX32
- Display radio packets reception/transmission
- Saving vehicle data accelerated for various >E< calls
- ew logic for >F< / >U< vehicle change, significant acceleration (radio and cable)
- Programming (radio & cable): Retries are made in the background until the programming dialogue is exited
- verwrite screens (black LoR) removed (note: can be rectified using >M< if it reappears)
- LOCO DB deletion identification changed
- Flicker protection adjustments so that REAL data is also visibly tracked
- Save GUI data when received from 'outside'
2/16/24 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10 & MX32 controllers is now available and it is version 01.30.0501. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
Changes MX10/MX32:
- Radio logic changed
Changes MX10:
- Memory speed curve according to new definition
- PC speed curve send/receive routines
- Better 4:8 test for RailCom
- Track search adapted to RCN.
- MX10 default values: Direction byte, RailCom, ...
- DCC time command adapted to current standard. (If MX820/MX821 is in use, update beforehand!)
Changes MX32
- Display radio packets receiving/sending
- Saving vehicle data accelerated for various >E< calls
- New logic for >F< / >U< vehicle change, significant acceleration (radio and cable)
- Programming (radio & cable): Retries are made in the background until the programming dialog is exited
- Overwrite screens (black warning) eliminated (note: if they occur again, they can be remedied using >M<)
- ObjDb delete identifier changed
- Flicker protection adjustments so that REAL data is also visibly updated
- Save GUI data when received from 'outside'
1/01/24 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10 & MX32 controllers is now available and it is version MX10_01.30.0405-MX32_01.30.0460. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
The most important corrections and innovations in MX10 & MX32:
- Improvement of radio operations
- Fixed bug with RailCom reception from MS/MN decoders
- (effective with regard to RailCom speed and CV value reading)
- Adaptation to newer ROCO app and WiFi Lokmaus protocols
- Adaptation to (future) ZIMO APP
Issues we are still working on:
- Problems with individual stops when several remotes are in operation at the same time (especially with the same address)
- Single stop with WLAN locomotive mouse SW version 9.1: Locomotive brakes, but continues to move very slowly
(Remedy: set the controller to 0)9/01/23 - Zimo has released a firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.84.58), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
It is strongly recommended to carry out this update!
* Caution: Before updating MS or MN decoders, please read the information under MS-MN-Decoder-SW-Update
Changes / Corrections:
- SUSI Soundload: change of the load code query
- Bug fix: MXULF Revision D is recognized as such
- Added MS581 to the decoder table
7/03/23 - Zimo has released a firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.84.55), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
This is the first SW version also for ALL MN decoders.
* Caution: Before updating MS or MN decoders, please read the information under MS-MN-Decoder-SW-Update
Changes / Corrections:
- Further adjustments to the update protocol of MS/MN decoders: Throttled the speed of the firmware update
- Comparison of product ID and sound project ID
- Improved error messages
- The future decoder MS491 is recognized
6/27/23 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10 & MX32 controllers is now available and it is version 01.30.0300. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
If you are using ZIMO MX82 or MX820 turnout decoders with a turnout decoder software version of 9.3 (MX82 series) or older, respectively 5.0 (MX820 series) or older in your system, please do not load this system software version, because it may happen that these turnout decoders are reprogrammed by mistake. A new software version for the MX82 and MX820 turnout decoders is already in development, with which this undesired effect will no longer occur.
Automatic GUI matching when activating an address::
With this new feature, when activating an address (from the LoR or from the ObjDB or when typing in the address), it is checked whether there has been a change in the meantime in the MX10 (system GUI memory, "computer GUI memory, or in future also decoder GUI memory) for its GUI (name, picture, Fu symbols, ...). If necessary, the modified GUI is automatically transferred to the own cab (controller), 10 sec after activating the address or when reconnecting/restarting the cab. A modification of the GUI in one of the mentioned memories of the MX10 base unit could have been initiated from another cab (controller), or from a ZIMO App or by a software like ZCS; in the future, also by GUI transmission from the decoder.
The automatic GUI matching saves effort in case of GUI changes, especially if there is a larger number of vehicles (addresses) on a layout and several control units (of the same or different types) are in use at the same time.
The automatic GUI matching is limited to controllers within the home system! This means that it is still possible to insist on your own GUIs in your own device, if desired.
6/01/23 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10 & MX32 controllers is now available and it is version 01.30.0200. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
- Incorrect DCC time command corrected:
- Fixes problems with CV19 consists and unexplained CV changes at vehicle address 512
- RailCom error checking optimised:
- Eliminates tacho jitter, incorrect east/west display, ...
NOTICE: The better RailCom error checking can lead to e.g.: The speedometer lags, the decoder track voltage is displayed less often, ..... This can be remedied with the appropriate decoder firmware.
5/13/23 - Zimo has released a firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.84.48), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
This is the first SW version ALSO for MN decoders.
* Caution: Before updating MS or MN decoders, please read the information under MS-MN-Decoder-SW-Update
Changes / Corrections:
- Adjustments to the sound and firmware update protocol for MS/MN decoders
- Adaptation of the waiting times for flash deletion
- Adjustments to the SUSI sound loading protocol: option bytes when exiting, changing the process, correct exit from the protocol in the event of an error
- Corrections in the decoder type display
1/19/23 - An interesting development for Zimo Electronics users; Zimo is currently developing a controller application for installation and use on Android devices. The first pre-release version is currently available, unfortunately all the information so far is only presented in German. If you are interested at this point, further information can be seen at the following LINK. The APK installation file can be accessed HERE or on the information page at the above link. Further information will be provided here as soon as English language support is available, but this promises to deliver a new layer of control and fun.
1/12/23 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10 & MX32 controllers is now available and it is version 01.30.0100. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
The most important fixes for MX10 & MX32:
- MX10EC brought to the same status as MX10
- Deletion procedure from system database (in MX10) renewed from the cab (controller): in ObjDB (E+6), initiate deletion with C key on "grey line" (i.e. address only in MX10 database, no longer in cab ObjDB), box with confirmation prompt, line marked with recycle bin, can still be reactivated in this state, address no longer exists after exiting ObjDB display and calling up again (E+6).
- End SERV PROG possible again even after calling "Identify" with TP key (was blocked in last version).
- Optimisation of east/west display, e.g. the east/west arrows are now always displayed if the corresponding
- RailCom message is received from the decoder.
- Corrections regarding the adjustment of the RailCom tacho (CV #136 setting)
The current SW update for MX10 and MX32, 01.30.002 also contains another trial version of the ZIMO GUI transmission from the decoder to the system.
The "ZIMO GUI transmission" is a new functionality for the DCC digital technology, which means that the "GUI" (= "Graphical User Interface") of the vehicle to be controlled is sent from its decoder to the system and appears on the operating device (ZIMO cab, ...). The transmission of the GUI is a part of the area of "automatic registration", which ZIMO is currently working on, as are other digital manufacturers. In the area of the actual (address) registration, ZIMO uses the method of the RCN-218, which is currently being developed, but has extended requirements for the GUI transmission in the case of the ZIMO-to-ZIMO environment (ZIMO digital system and ZIMO decoder), and therefore uses the "ZIMO file transmission" developed for this and other functionalities, whereas the RCN-218 will be used again in future for third-party systems.
INFORMATION on this topic in the ZIMO Newsletter August 2022 !The container file MX10_MX32_01.30.002_full.zip contains for the purpose of testing the GUI transmission NOT ONLY the new versions of the MX10 and MX32 software, but also the required trial versions for decoders as well as trial sound projects; altogether you will find in the .zip file:
- New software version for MX10, MX10EC (01.30.0002)
- New software version for MX32 (01.30.0002)
- Test decoder software collection file DS220728 with test SW versions for MX sound decoders (currently NOT for MS decoders !).
- The collective file is copied to a USB stick which is plugged into an MXULFA from which the decoder software update is made.
- Several test sound projects (.zpp files), each equipped with complementary GUI block for MX32.
SHORT DESCRIPTION to test the GUI transmission:
- Update of the MX10 (MX10EC) and MX32 (as usual) units with version 1.30..002.
- Software update with MXULF of the test decoder, software version 40.118 or higher (from the collective file DS220728.zsu in the .zip file 1.30.0002)
- Load with MXULF one of the test sound projects from the container file with GUI into the test decoders
- Activate (LOCO ON, ...) the first test decoder at its address, operating state LOCO
in operating mode FAHR: M-key -> Open menu, scroll to item "Get GUI from decoder (ZIMO)", A key ->- Start GUI transmission
- GUI (from the decoder, suitable for this sound project) builds up on the screen of the MX32.
- Further attempts to "get the GUI" with a different sound project each time (no difference would be visible with the same one).
This is NOT yet the final version of the GUI transmission; intended for testing only, NO USE yet. Improved SW versions coming soon! Most importantly, there is currently no automatic re-request of lost GUI components or GUI components damaged by transmission errors. For example, one or the other function icon could be missing as a result. To remedy this shortcoming, the procedure must be started again. In later (or final) versions, such gaps would be automatically sent after the main transmission. Of course, once tested, the GUI transmission will also be incorporated into the MS sound decoders as soon as possible.11/29/22 - Zimo has released a firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.84.39), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
* Warning: Before updating MS decoders, please read the information under MS Decoder SW Update
- Changes in the SUSI soundload process
- Adjustments to the MX update protocol to improve update behavior with certain decoders (MX64D, etc.).
- Fixes and improvements to encoder input
9/30/22 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10 & MX32 controllers is now available and it is version 01.30.0002. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
This SW version is also the second test version of the "ZIMO GUI transmission". The container file therefore contains EXCEPTIONALLY a test collection file for MX decoder software (.zsu) and several test sound projects (.zpp)
Change compared to the 1st test version from 26.8.:
- ZIMO GUI retrieval also possible with address 3
- MX32 icon additions
The most important general fixes in MX10 & MX32:
- Character-by-character deletion when entering or changing the locomotive name
- Improved font size selection for names in LOCO mode
- Prevention of the occasional LED failures in the MX32
Zimo has also released a firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.84.35), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
* Caution: Before updating MS decoders, please read the information under MS Decoder SW Update
- Incorrect ID and LC programming via service mode
- Incorrect driving mode (CV310 not implemented, manual address input incorrect)
- Command CV8=8: Occasional failure of the command
8/15/22 - Zimo has also released a firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.84.30), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
Warning: Before updating MS decoders, please read the information under MS Decoder SW Update
- Extensive revisions and improvements as part of the new hardware revision F (e.g. rotary encoders)
- Improvements for Railcom reading and writing with MXULF Rev E and older.
- Improved MX update entry especially for decoders with energy storage
- USB Test Routine - Connection test for USB stick
- LIPL entry in decoder list
- Fixed a bug that caused MX large scale decoders to crash/exit from the update procedure
- Fixed unwanted abort of sound loading with MS decoders
6/25/22 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10 & MX32 controllers is now available and it is version 01.29.1000. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE.
ATTENTION: due to a software error in one of the previous versions, it could happen that all RailCom feedback from the decoder is not received by the MX10. If, for example, the speedometer needle appears blue instead of magenta, or CV reading (POM) does not work, please check the RailCom setting briefly: MX10 menu item "DCC signal settings" -> "RailCom:" switch on with "On" or "Auto".
The most important corrections and innovations in this update:
- Function switching in radio mode: LEDs and symbols flash if not confirmed; automatic repetition of the switching commands until the function has been carried out, ADDENDUM FOLLOWS (further corrections)
A NOTICE: Even with this version, StEin modules, as well as MX8 and MX9 modules in radio operation on the MX32 (via E+8) CANNOT be displayed or controlled, i.e. NO point switching via StEin or MX8, for example.
4/01/22 - Zimo has also released an firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.83.64), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
* Warning: Before updating MS decoders, please read the information under MS Decoder SW Update
- MS Update: Improved entry procedure
- MS Update: Display for CRC32 errors was not called correctly
- MS Update/Multitap Update: Updating 10 identical decoders at the same time is possible again, the overcurrent conditions have been adjusted for this.
- Error in the decoder assignment table: value 10 in CV250 was linked to MS950, correct is MS560.
3/07/22 - Zimo has also released an firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.83.61), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
Corrections: Bugfix, due to timing differences between the different bootloader versions of the MS decoders, the update of MS440, MS450 from the very early production batches (with older bootloader versions) with MXULFA versions 0.83.42, 0.83.55 and 0.83.60 failed with the error message "Decoder not found".
1/31/22 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10 & MX32 controllers is now available and it is version 01.29.0600. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE.
The most important fixes and new features in MX10 & MX32:
- Optimisation of RailCom message reception, visible e.g. on speedo display or ZCS CV readout
- Read/write and re-address MX8, MX9 CVs (from E+8 list, scroll, TP key, use SoftKey II to address to MX9)
The corresponding description will soon be found in the MX32 operation instructions.- Corrections when identifying the decoder (address, UID, etc.) after entering OP MODE from LOCO mode
- MX10 read/write parameters in ZCS
- RailCom switch-off (in MX10 Config) remains via power-off.
NOTE: With this version, StEin modules, as well as MX8 and MX9 modules can NOT be displayed or controlled in radio mode on the MX32 (via E+8), i.e. for example NO switch switching via StEin or MX8.
12/28/21 - Zimo has also released an firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.83.60), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
* Attention: Before updating MS decoders, please read the information under MS decoder software update!
An error that is difficult to reproduce in this release may lead to the decoder not running correctly immediately after the update, in which case a reset is recommended.
Changes: Continuous revision of the user interface (status display, changed display of the content of the connected storage medium).
Corrections: Service mode CV reading and writing: Adjustments to the standard After leaving the file selection when calling the T1 / T2 procedures, the entire file list was no longer displayed in the Update & Sound menu item Optimization of the MX firmware update.
12/01/21 - Zimo has also released an firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.83.55), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
* Attention: Before updating MS decoders, please read the information under MS decoder software update
- SUSI Soundload entry into MS decoders did not succeed reliably: The preamble was therefore extended.
- With quick access via key 1 or 2, the selection could only be confirmed with the R key: but key 1 or 2 would be logical. It was corrected.
- The treatment of short circuits and overcurrent did not work reliably in all operating states. Display and reliable shutdown now ensured
- Text output optimized with regard to storage space and coherence
- Multitap Update: The menu item "Multitap Upd" can be used to update the firmware of several identical (!) MS decoders that are attached to a Multitap circuit board.
- Display of the MS subtypes when entering the MS firmware update
11/30/21 - There is a new English language version of the Zimo MX-10 Central Command Station operating manual available, you can download the 'PDF' file HERE.
11/16/21 - I have a further update regarding my previous post on 11/04 after considerable discussion with the Zimo technical staff. In short, the problems encountered were a reconfiguration of some basic settings in the MX32 and MX10, it is important to note that once the changes were recognized, I was able to change them back to the preferred setting. The reason for some of the changes were explained to me and some remain under study.
The two most important changes made as a result of the updates were the 'Language' selection, from English to German and the implementation of a 'Stopp' order was configured that appeared each time the system was started. This 'Stopp' order could be canceled from the screen of the MX32 without difficulty. Both of these changes were easily changed back to the original setting, it was just a bit disconcerting to see the changes take place without expecting them and not know what else could have been affected. One recommendation that I received from Zimo was to change the 'Language' in both units to German prior to future updates and then change back to English afterwards if so desired.
The most important corrections and innovations in MX10 & MX32 with update 01.29.0415:
- Corrected readdressing in operational mode
- Additional parameters made available for ZCS
- Zero compensation of the current displays (zero display +/- 0.02 if nothing is connected)
- Service mode: waiting time for ACK is longer (important for SUSI modules)
- Corrected the MX10EC display with simultaneous ZCS access (flickered red)
- Display of the number of radio packets received from cabs, to the left of the number of RailCom packets (above display CAN, LAN)
- New division of the display: 1st line D / R / DCC / RailCom, 2nd line MiWi received packets from radio cabs,
- 3. LAN and CAN display no longer alternate
- Relief of the radio in connection with the ZUB LISTE (display and switching of the accessory decoders).
NOTE: With this version, StEin modules as well as MX8 and MX9 modules can NOT be displayed or controlled in radio operation on the MX32 (via E + 8), i.e. for example NO switch switching via StEin or MX8.
The most important corrections and new features in MX10 & MX32 with update 01.29.0422:
- Fixed bug when switching points via Roco Lokmaus
- Adjustment range for MX10 menu item "Rail 2 UES Limit" corrected,
- (maximum overcurrent setting for rail 2 was erroneously possible up to 12A, now correct up to 8A)
NOTE: With this version, StEin modules as well as MX8 and MX9 modules can NOT be displayed or controlled in radio operation on the MX32 (via E + 8), i.e. for example NO switch switching via StEin or MX8.
11/04/21 - There has been another software update released for the MX10 & MX32, it is update 01.29.0422. This update did not resolve the issues I experienced following the previous update so I have requested guidance from the Zimo technical staff and will report what I learn here when available. In the meantime, I would avoid installing either of the latest updates (01.29.0415 & 01.29.0422) until more is learned about what I experienced.
11/03/21 - I today installed the latest Zimo software update for the MX10 & MX32 and encountered problems, I would suggest waiting to install this software until I can provide further information directly from Zimo Electronics.
11/02/21 - The latest software update for the Zimo MX10 & MX32, previewed in my post on the 14th of last month, has arrived and is officially named 01.29.0415. You can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE.
The most important fixes and new features for the MX10 & MX32 are listed below:
- Redressing in operational mode corrected
- Additional parameters made accessible to ZCS
- Null compensation of the current displays (zero display +/- 0.02 if nothing connected)
- Service Mode: waiting time for ACK is longer (important for SUSI modules)
- Display MX10EC with simultaneous ZCS access corrected (has flickered red)
- Display of number of radio packets received from cab (controller), left of number of RailCom packets (above display CAN, LAN)
- New division of display: 1st line D/R /DCC/RailCom, 2nd line MiWi received packets from wireless cabs,
3. LAN and CAN - display no longer alternating- Relief of the radio in connection with the ZUB LIST (display and switching of accessory decoders)
NOTE: With this version, StEin modules, as well as MX8 and MX9 modules can NOT be displayed or controlled in radio mode on the MX32 (via E+8), i.e. for example NO switch switching via StEin or MX8.
10/15/21 - Just a brief further update; apparently as a result of my inquiry with Zimo technical staff, the current update (01.29.0400) has been added to the English segment of the update site. I already mentioned that the update could be used for English installations, but it is now official.
10/14/21 - The latest firmware (01.29.0400) has been released by Zimo Electronics for the MX32/MX10 control devices, you can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. Before you do so, there is additional information that I can provide as a result of conferring with Zimo's technical staff directly.
If you access the Zimo website directly to download the update file, you will note that the latest file is only listed when using the German language scripted site and not if you are using the English text selection. I am told that the file provided will support both German and English software installations and there should be no problem. Further, there is an additional corrective update file coming near-term and it will be named 01.29.0412, as a result of this, I have not installed the currently available update and will wait for the very latest file to be available. Immediately below are listed the issues meant to be dealt with in the current update.
The most important corrections and new features in MX10 & MX32:
- New RailCom evaluation procedure: RailCom reception from 8 mA, i.e. approx. 1/3 of the standard signal size, so that attenuations from line and rail capacitances / inductances or illuminated cars can be better coped with).
- Cooperation with ZCS (file reception, background reader, MX10 parameters, ...)
- DCC turnouts are now visible and switchable again in radio operation via ZUB LISTE; only StEin data are (temporarily in some software versions) blocked in the radio.
- CV handling of WLAN Lokmaus in operational mode and service mode improved or possible again.
- Date / time in the home system - correction of the comparison.
9/05/21 - Zimo has also released an firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.83.42), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
* Attention: Before updating MS decoders, please read the information under MS decoder software update
- PowerCycle update now also works with zsu collection files
- Error output and correct termination if the PowerCycle update function is called without an existing zsu
- Software and sound update cleanup and acceleration: Loading the DaDi-Collection via rail should now take about 50 instead of 100 minutes
Bug fixes:
- Service mode CV reading with some third-party decoders failed
- Evaluation of the MDU_data packets did not correspond to the specifications
- 3-digit subversion numbers were cut off
7/22/21 - Zimo has also released an firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.83.37), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The update provides the following:
* Attention: Before updating MS decoders, please read the information under MS decoder software update
- Preparations for MS990 and MS950: Changes in the MDU protocol.
- Query of the developer code at the beginning of the SUSI soundload.
- SUSI-Soundload: Attempt to import a 16-bit project into the MX-Decoder is blocked.
- Routine for checking the self-update flag in the RTC register removed again.
- MDU sound load: If the load code is incorrect, the exit command is sent to the decoder.
- MX-Soundload Schiene: Changes in the progress bar for the purpose of standardization.
- Service mode write and read calls extended by retry logic.
Bug fixes:
- Incorrect execution of the self-update routine.
- Resetting CVs # 144 & # 29 after loading sound and software with MX decoders was not always carried out.
- MS firmware update: Change to the exit protocol to prevent critical errors during the bootloader update.
- Update & sound function: Unwanted display of the files for MXULF / A self-update in the selection menu.
- The internal direction of the MXULF and MS decoder was in rare cases not the same in driving mode.
- Driving mode after MS Soundload failed occasionally.
- Flickering line as well as analog line with the MS Power Cycle Update with only one file on the stick.
- When the function "without CV144, 29" was called, CV write commands were still carried out.
5/27/21 - The latest firmware (01.29.0200) has been released by Zimo for the MX32/MX10 control devices, you can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE.
3/21/21 - The latest firmware (01.29.0106) has been released by Zimo for the MX32/MX10 control devices, you can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE.
Update 01.29.0101 ➔ 01.29.0106:
- MX10, MX10EC and MX32 on same development level, version numbers aligned.
- ESTWGJ - MX8 communication error fixed
- Optimized radio error rate display
New features, improvements and corrections in MX10 & MX32
- Collaboration with ZCS as of version 4.17.000 regarding GUI definition and transmission for vehicles.
- Error correction regarding automatic shutdown of wireless cabs when MX10 is switched off.
- Display and switching of signals (currently German HV-signals) in the WEI-panel of the MX32,
currently exclusively for signals connected to a power supply module,
the signals in the WEI panel must match the signal configuration of the StEin module
. (automatic acceptance of the signals in the StEin by the MX32 is provided).- Restructuring the MiWi radio between the MX10 base unit and the MX32FU wireless cabs.
CAUTION: The newly arranged MIWi radio brings a more reliable operation, BUT it must NEVER operate two ZIMO systems within reach of each other (approx. 100m) on the same radio channel. Therefore, different channels must be set in the "MX10 Config" menu in the "Radio Channel" parameter if two MX10 (or MX10EC) base units are close to each other to a distance of less than 100m. Channel numbers between 11 and 25 can be set, whereby those below 20 should be avoided because they are usually heavily occupied by WLAN networks.
If the radio channel used is heavily occupied by other systems (other ZIMO system or e.g. WLAN networks), the wireless cab now displays the number of transmissions from the command station not received at the cab in the top right corner (if this is higher than usual) - then the radio channel should be changed.Note: MX10s in booster mode do not need to be considered, the radio is switched off there.
In an upcoming SW version there will be an automatic search and switching to a less busy radio channel (frequency hopping)
Tip for testing the radio quality:
To conveniently test the radio communication, for example to determine the difference between different channel settings, it is recommended to unscrew the antenna. This artificially worsens the reception and provides insights within a few metres.3/11/21 - The latest firmware (01.29.0101) has been released by Zimo for the MX32/MX10 control devices, you can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE.
New features, improvements and corrections in MX10 & MX32
- Collaboration with ZCS as of version 4.17.000 regarding GUI definition and transmission for vehicles.
- Error correction regarding automatic shutdown of wireless cabs when MX10 is switched off.
- Display and switching of signals (currently German HV-signals) in the WEI-panel of the MX32,
currently exclusively for signals connected to a power supply module,
the signals in the WEI panel must match the signal configuration of the StEin module
(automatic acceptance of the signals in the StEin by the MX32 is provided).- Restructuring the MiWi radio between the MX10 base unit and the MX32FU wireless cabs.
CAUTION: The newly arranged MIWi radio brings a more reliable operation, BUT it must NEVER operate two ZIMO systems within reach of each other (approx. 100m) on the same radio channel. Therefore, different channels must be set in the "MX10 Config" menu in the "Radio Channel" parameter if two MX10 (or MX10EC) base units are close to each other to a distance of less than 100m. Channel numbers between 11 and 25 can be set, whereby those below 20 should be avoided because they are usually heavily occupied by WLAN networks.
If the radio channel used is heavily occupied by other systems (other ZIMO system or e.g. WLAN networks), the wireless cab now displays the number of transmissions from the command station not received at the cab in the top right corner (if this is higher than usual) - then the radio channel should be changed.Note: MX10s in booster mode do not need to be considered, the radio is switched off there.
In an upcoming SW version there will be an automatic search and switching to a less busy radio channel (frequency hopping)
Tip for testing the radio quality:
To conveniently test the radio communication, for example to determine the difference between different channel settings, it is recommended to unscrew the antenna. This artificially worsens the reception and provides insights within a few metres.3/10/2 - : Zimo has also released an firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.83.21), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The updates provided are as follows:
*Attention: Before updating MS decoders, please read the information under MS decoder software update
Standardization of operation and display:
- Calling update and sound loading are now identical for MX and MS: Selection via menu item "Update & Sound" or "without CV144, 29"
- Button 1 and button 2 first allow a selection menu for MX decoders if there is more than one zsu or zpp file on the stick.
- MS Power Cycle Update was moved back in the menu.
- Adjustment of the progress displays: Display of the decoder type, the connection type and the remaining time has been added
- Large-scale decoder MS990 update protocol adjustments
- Rail voltage was increased for all MS decoders during FW and Soundload to increase stability
- SUSI soundload exit now comes with a command for reset
- Program section that triggered DC mode after MS firmware update (short whistle until the decoder starts moving) should now be fixed.
- CV Verify packets when entering MS Sound and Firmware Load are now default and not accessory format.
- Bugfix for the case that the MX696 is not recognized in the schedule
11/17/20 - Zimo has released another firmware update (0.83.12) for the MXULF decoder programming device, below are the changes incorporated in the new software. I have installed the new update and all was well afterwards.
Attention: Before updating MS decoders, please read the information under MS decoder software update
Improvements and extensions:
Bugfix: ZSP soundload rail CRC error
Bugfix: DC voltage gaps in ServProg mode
Bugfix: SW update button 1 MS decoder
Bugfix: Change from PoM to Serv Prog function on the MXULF
New: Remaining time display MS Soundladen Schiene11/08/20 - Another new firmware update (01.28.0400) has been released for the Zimo MX32/MX10 control devices, see the content of the new update below. I have installed the update and the process went without incident.
Corrections and new features in MX10 & MX32:
- New radio communication between MX10 and several MX32.
Internally tested with up to 4 radio controllers at the same time.- Various small corrections.
10/18/20 - The latest firmware (01.28.0200) has been released by Zimo for the MX32/MX10 control devices, you can download it HERE or directly from the Zimo WEBSITE. The changes provided by the update are listed below. I have installed the update and all went smoothly once the installation process was actually started, but there was one glitch on my system which required some evaluation and explanation from Zimo.
My particular unit is an older system and the English menu items did not display in the same way that preious updates routine have. If youattempt to install the update on your system and the typical 'Update' commands you have previously seen do not appear when the update file is accessed, stop what you are doing, remove the USB stick and contact me for a further explanation about the update process.
Corrections and new features in MX10 & MX32:
- Radio communication improvements between the MX10 and MX32
- Optimization of the Railcom data reception
- Cooperation with ZCS (configuration software from Matthias Manhart)
- Variable size of the RüF: 9 to 128 addresses
- Avoidance of crashes (MX32) in connection with radio and stop
- Elimination of various display errors (MX32)
Zimo has also released an firmware update for the MXULF programming device (0.83.05), you can download it HERE or again from the Zimo WEBSITE. The updates provided are as follows:
* Attention: Before updating MS decoders, please read the information under MS decoder software update
Improvements and extensions:
- For the first time also in French!
- PoM CV Read and Write improvements
- MS sound loading by rail accelerated: loading time of the steam / diesel collection under ideal conditions now 100 instead of 150 minutes
- Bugfix: Change from PoM to Serv Prog function on the MXULF
- Optimization of the MS SW update procedure
- GUI adjustments: filename display, start screen, MS Sound loading via rail
6/12/20 - The latest firmware update (01.28.0030) for the Zimo Electronics MX10?MX32 is available for download HERE. Listed below are the improvements and fixes incorporated in this latest update. I have installed this update personally and found that the process was clean and simple. Additional information regarding this update can be found on the Zimo Electronics Homepage.
Corrections and new features in MX10 & MX32:
- Corrections for OP PROG programming of a Consist address (CVs #19, 20), distinction between ZIMO decoders (from SW 36.60 to 9999), decoders from other manufacturers (up to 127)
- Improvement of the display and control of the "decoder info" (traction voltage at the locomotive location, current section of the StEin)
- Correction of key LEDs in operating state ACC LIST
- Correction of real-time tracking of HLU states (also after point detectors) and busy messages in StEin list, thus eliminating the "empty boxes" that often appeared wrongly in the past
- Correction Display of StEin inputs in StEin list
- Collaboration with ZCS: Current&Voltage settings of the MX10 via ZSW
- NEW: Overcurrent monitoring in SERV PROG mode
- start-up time consideration after track voltage OFF or with overcurrent (UES).
- handling of undervoltage situations
6/08/20 - The latest firmware update (01.28.0005) for the Zimo Electronics MX10?MX32 is available for download HERE. Listed below are the improvements and fixes incorporated in this latest update. I have installed this update personally and found that the process was clean and simple. Additional information regarding this update can be found on the Zimo Electronics Homepage.
Corrections and new features in MX10 & MX32:
- Radio communication between MX10/MX10EC and MX32FU was improved - more steps will follow
- Correction regarding decoder info on MX32 when changing address in the LOCO screen:
Display of the traction voltage measured by the (ZIMO) decoder at the current vehicle position, the position of the vehicle by indicating the track section (at StEin or MX9), the current HLU limit, as well as error messages from the vehicle (over temperature, over currents).- Cooperation with interlocking program STP by Mr. Ewald Sperrer improved, latest STP version necessary, further steps will follow.
- Cooperation with ZIMO decoder configuration tool ZCS by Mr. Matthias Manhart improved
- Bugfix MX32: E+8 display update for the HLU speed limits of the StEin modules
- Consists can now be "moved" into the MX10/MX10EC, so that system-wide there can now be up to 256 tractions, instead of only 9 tractions per controller as before.
- Changes in the selection of the home system (in CONFIG / "this controller") for MX32.
- Bugfix: WEI-Panel: Red and green swapping in certain situations corrected.
- Bugfix: PoM: Correction of error message in case of RailCom loss, prevention of invalid values
- Bugfix regarding GUI save/load loco name (full length instead of 4 characters).
- Bugfix button LEDs for ZUB LIST: show only 4 LEDs for 4 turnouts
12/14/19 - The latest firmware update (01.27.0350) for the Zimo Electronics MX32/MX10 command station incorporates the following corrections/updates:
Corrections and new features in controller MX32:
- East-West control various corrections, East-West display in LocoDB
- OP MODE Re-addressing Corrections
- Loss of traction after restart removed
- Operating state W: Save newly created panels
- Decoder info Witnesses: Traction voltage at decoder location, StEin track section, decoder type, error messages
- Decoder info menu items for permanent display and selection of only traction voltage and track section "Fahrspannung und Gleisabschnitt" or all alternating "Alles wechselnd"
- ObjDB (vehicle database) corrections and display of vehicle positions on page 2, East/West Info
- error in E+1 fixed: Number of functions
- and other minor corrections
Corrections in MX10:
- Corrections for MX10 booster operation, reduction of the feedbacks via CAN bus in relation with StEin,
- MX10 Booster operation for large systems with cascading of the CAN bus in CAN-1/2,
- RailCom Evaluation of boosters, corrections, avoidance of double transmissions,
- SERV PROG: Avoidance of voltage conversion for Rail-2 (Schiene-2), RailCom Restore
- LAN to CAN Throughput optimization
- Optimization SERV PROG between MX10 and MX32
10/13/19 - Zimo Electronics has released a corrective firmware update for the MX32/MX10, update #01.27.0200 is available HERE. The issues involved in the update are shown below, if you have further questions refer to the Zimo website.
Corrections in MX32:
- The vehicle position according to StEin is reported on the LOCO screen.
- In the object database, the vehicle position of all vehicles whose position has been reported as known is displayed on page 2.
- Bugfix Identify: Wrong serial number was displayed
- Faster identification in SERV PROG
- Bugfix E+1: Only the number of F-keys defined for the respective address in E+1 is displayed.
- New East-West control logic implemented: Shift + direction key -> west, hold down Shift key and press direction key -> east again; Then Shift -> Direction once -> invert, once again Direction -> invert, once again Direction -> end.
Corrections MX10:
- Roco WLAN Maus and Roco Kabel Maus work simultaneously
- Roco Kabel Maus also works without using the MX10AVP
- LAN to CAN throughput optimization
- SERV PROG optimization between MX10 and MX32
9/13/19 - Zimo Electronics has released what would be considered a corrective firmware release that addresses issues encountered with some units that were manufactured at different times, some units probably have experienced none or only part of the issues targeted with the release. The firmware file is available HERE.
The corrections included in 01.27.0110 are:
- MX10 and MX10EC: Protocol for Roco WLAN Multimaus and Roco App converted to version 1.9
- MX10 and MX10EC: DCC renewal cycle renewed
- MX32: Operating mode W (panels): display and switchover of various turnout symbols
(beyond V symbols),- MX32: Improvements in HLU and East-West switching of the StEin turnaround (after E + 8)
- MX10 and MX10EC: control of programming track relay
- MX10 and MX10EC: Prevention of crashes in multiple ON-shift attempts after short circuit
- MX10EC: improved display ABA inputs
- MX10EC: Stop ball indicator reduced to a single stop ball (because only one track exit)
Various small correctionsI have just installed this latest update without any issues noted during the installation. A full evaluation of the systems performance will full.
8/29/19 - Zimo Electronics has released a new firmware update (01.27.0001) for the MX32/MX10 command and control system. I personally installed the new update on our system and found it to be one of the easiest installations to date which corrected some menu issues created by the previous update. It should be noted that one of our customers did experience a problem related to an interaction with his antivirus software, but I can confirm that there was no virus present in the download network from the Zimo website. Once the customers antivirus software was temporarily disabled the installation was completed without further problems. This should be keep in mind should you experience a similar situation. It's always a good idea to make certain that the USB flash-drive used for the update process is freshly formatted and virus free before starting the update process with the MX32/MX10. The firmware file is available HERE
The following is a translation of the improvements made as a result of this new firmware update:
- Uplift search: Expanded to display the list of addresses found during the last minute.
- Rangiertacho: When defined in the adjustment procedure under vRG, 30 0der 60 km / h speedometer when pressing the maneuver button or automatically with ongoing slow driving.
- Addressing on the main track using a newly defined DCC packet by VHDM. Can be called in the selection table of the operating state OP PROG. In itself, only the new address needs to be entered and confirmed for execution.
- However, all relevant CVs are also automatically read out and displayed, both before the redirection and afterwards.
- This is noteworthy only in the context of possible troubleshooting, because many decoders (including ZIMO decoder with software versions <37.28) do not yet master the readdressing under "PoM" (on the main track).
- FOCUS: Measures to optimize the operation of the MX10 and MX32 base units with third-party devices, in particular Roco WLAN locomotives and Roco App. This is also important in terms of system compilations containing only locomotives or apps (so no ZIMO MX32 included).
- Corrections regarding East / West display and East / West by HLU
- Adjustment of East / West for the Gelsi sections of the StEin modules from the MX32.
1/31/19 - Zimo Electronics has released an update to the firmware provided earlier this month to correct issues that some units were experiencing after installation. The firmware file is available HERE
The following are the issues corrected with this update (01.25.0101):
- SINGLE STOP (S-key short) works again (has failed in version 01.25.0001)
- Receiving settings in the MX10 menus; In principle, no automatic resetting of user-modified definitions should occur now, only by "factory reset" to default.
- Full presentation of the CV description texts in OP PROG and SERV PROG
- Various corrections in the SERV PROG: Wrong CV number "0" eliminated, display "NO-RD" instead of "R ..." if operation was aborted, prevention of display of wrong values, warning of extraneous loading of the programming track, e.g. with simultaneously powered StEin modules on DC-S2.
- Blinking of the Fu symbols as an indication of possibly failed commands, if acknowledgment from the central office due to bad radio connection does not come, is now automatically terminated, if radio functions again.
- Elimination of flashing during operation of MX32 with "old" MX1 base unit (because there is no acknowledgment)
- Various corrections of the display of the ObjDB (E-key + 6): Addresses that are deleted from RüF, change the color immediately from green to blue, driving data (speed, direction, Fu-tableau) are activated after switching on only when the Information arrived from Central.
- Correction of the backup of the ObjDB to a USB stick (previously canceled prematurely, therefore incompletely backed up, if the menu item "resorting" was previously used on the MX32)
1/07/19 - Zimo Electronics has released a new firmware package for the MX32/MX10 command system, version #01.25.0001. I have installed the update on our test system and all went smoothly, probably the smoothest update thus far. I have provided the update files in the technical directory along with documentation regarding what improvements and corrections have been included in this update. There is also a document spelling out what future advancements are planned and in what order they should occur.
8/16/18 - Zimo Electronics has released a new firmware package for the MX32/MX10 command system. This update continues to advance the capabilities of the units and the explicit details are available on their website. I have installed the firmware and all went smoothly I am happy to report.
5/19/18 - Zimo Electronics has released another new firmware update for the MX32/MX10 command system, it addresses issues with some of the earlier units that were not taken care of in the last update 01.23.0001. I have downloaded the new update and the installation went smoothly and all is well afterwards.
I have posted the newest versions of the Zimo decoder manuals that include the latest information for the decoders used in our UP Challenger. These manuals can be accessed from the Sound & DCC Operation page.
5/02/18 - Zimo Electronics has released a new firmware package which greatly enhances the emergency stop/control features of the MX32/MX10 command system. Since I personally use this equipment, I can report that the installation of firmware version 01.23.0001 went smoothly with no unexpected issues. In addition to downloading the software directly from the Zimo website, I have also included a LINK here to download it from this website.
3/21/18 - I have posted the file for the latest firmware for the Zimo MX32/MX10 DCC command station at the following LINK. The installation of the new firmware went smoothly and the only question mark came when the new firmware designation once installed was 01.22.0151, after a closer look at the instructions in the Zimo website, that designation was also included in the file information.
2/16/18 - I have previously posted the availability of a new firmware version for the Zimo MX32/MX10 DCC command units and I have some further information that was translated from the Zimo website. It is recommended that you follow the instructions below should you install the latest 01.22.0001 software:
Attention SW error in 01.22.0001: in the menu item "MX10 Config" the "startup" parameters become inadvertently set to "Clear"; after Power-on "Everything stands". Recommended: to set "Restore" in all "startup" lines. MX8 are no longer detected at startup, so controlling MX8 is not possible with this software version. This is fixed in the next software version.
10/15/17 - Regarding the Zimo MX32/MX10 command station, I have just installed the newest firmware update (01.21.0500) and the installation went smoothly with no issues. The update is available at the following LINK on this site or at the Zimo WEBSITE along with an explanation of what the latest update offers in the way of features. There is also an updated user manual for the MX10 availalbe at the same links.
8/21/17 - The problem that I reported below as it turns out only affected some MX32/MX10 units, mine being one of them. The great technical staff at Zimo worked quickly to identify the cause of the problem based on some photos that I provided of the GUI on the MX32. They provided a Beta version of the new firmware that I installed and the problem was solved. If you have encountered this problem contact me directly and I will provide a copy of the Beta software while we wait for the final version to be released. I should mention that with each release of new firmware, new capabilities are incorporated into the operation of the MX32/MX10 system, so it's always exciting to see what is new with each installation!
8/09/17 - The following information will be of interest to those clients who have acquired from us Zimo MX32-MX10 DCC command stations. Zimo Electronics recently released a new software package for these units that was a replacement for a package that had 'bugs' related to interfacing with other brand equipment. This update, 01.21.0015 also has problems which 'break' the GUI on the MX32 and ultimately initiates an automated restart of the device. It is suggested that you do not install this version and continue to use the software that is currently working for you. If you have already installed the new software and encountered the described problem or others, the latest recommended software at this point is version 01.20.0150.
We will post any new information related to this problem as soon as we receive it. We will also provide for download the next tested software update for your installation.